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فرصة مميزة للأشخاص المهتمين بتطوير أنفسهم في المجالات الحديثة والأكثر طلباً في سوق العمل محلياً ودولياً(Data Analytics, Data Science, Career Development) تعلن شركة Correlation-One عن
Mercy Corps is powered by the belief that a better world is possible.
بدء قبول طلبات منحة برنامج كينيدي- لوغار للتبادل الثقافي والدراسي (YES)
اذا كنتم في الصف التاسع أو العاشر وحابين تعيشوا تجربة التبادل الثقافي في أمريكا ، قدموا الطلب في أسرع وقت لتعيشوا 10 أشهر مع عائلة امريكية مستضيفة وتدرسون في مدرسة أمريكية.
The Triple Win Programme gives qualified Jordanian nurses the opportunity to work in the German health sector, while at the same time helping to fill gaps in the German labour market. It is implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Employment Agency and in collaboration with the Jordanian Ministry of Labour.
Eligibility to apply for DV 2025
Native Country Eligibility: The DV lottery is designed to diversify the immigrant population in the United States. Therefore, not all countries are eligible to participate. The U.S. Department of State publishes a list of eligible countries each year, based on the level of immigration from each country in the past five years. If your native country is not eligible, you may still be eligible through your spouse’s country of birth or, in some cases, your parents’ countries of birth, provided they are from eligible countries and meet certain requirements.
The list of eligible countries can change from one year to another due to fluctuations in immigration rates. Some countries that have sent a high number of immigrants to the United States in the previous years may not be eligible, while countries with lower immigration rates might be included.
It’s crucial to check the list of eligible countries on the official U.S. Department of State’s DV lottery website each year before applying to ensure that you meet this particular requirement.
Keep in mind that eligibility for the DV lottery doesn’t guarantee a visa, as the number of visas available is limited, and a random selection process determines the winners from among the eligible entries. If selected, applicants still need to meet other visa requirements and go through the consular processing to obtain their Diversity Visa and immigrate to the United States.